The file extension for hatch pattern is xx.pat The file name must have the same as the pattern name.
All fields are comma delimited and terminatedĮach pattern is created in its own file. There is a maximum of six string definitions per line. The subsequent lines define the hatch pattern with the format of:Īngle, X- orgin, Y- orgin, delta-X, delta-Y, Ĭonsists of varying length dashes denoted by positive numbers, spaces denotedīy negative numbers and dots denoted by “0”’s. All patterns start at the point 0 ,0, the pattern is calculated out to cover the hatchingĬan have no spaces, punctuation marks, parenthesis, or slashes.
This file may be edited to add hatch patterns, supplemented, or replaced. File contains the predefined hatching patterns used by AutoCAD.